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Ever cracked open a fresh egg and wondered what makes it so egg-ceptional compared to those store-bought eggs? Yolks on you if you don't know the difference and all the incredible chicken-rich benefits

Chicken with thought bubble 'I'll have the filet. Thanks'

Nutritional Value

The nutritional value of eggs varies with diet. Hens with daily access to grass, bugs and kitchen scraps have a more varied and natural diet than their caged counterparts, eating mostly all pellets.

Studies have shown that fresh eggs laid by (truly) free-range chickens have less cholesterol, saturated fat, and up to 20x more Omega-3 fatty acids, 25% more vitamin E and 75% more beta carotene. So yes, fresh is best.

Chickens milling about

chicken sh*t.

The term "chicken sh*t" needs a rebrand. Chicken poop is incredibly nutrient-dense, rich all 13 essential plant nutrients. And since a single chicken can produce up to 8lbs a month, say goodbye to manual tilling, and hello to Yard of the Month.

Group of chickens being fed

Disposal, who?

The average family throws out 250lbs a year. The average grown chicken eats 9lbs of food per month. We're talking curry leftovers, stale bread, and every fruit and veggie out there. They are composting MACHINES, and the more table scraps they eat, the richer, more nutrient-dense the eggs are. (All while living their best cage-free lives.)

little feathered bio-recyclers.

Our easy-to-use smart door opens with sunrise and closes with sunset - all by itself.

And many, many more benefits..

But we'll leave you with this:

Chicken fat is being used by NASA as an eco-friendly alternative to jet fuel. I guess some chickens really do get their wings!
